Starlit Sky
Songs for two folk vocalists (Anna Pidgorna, Iryna Danylejko) and layered double bass (Florent Ghys, Ryan Baird) setting poetry by Lesya Ukrainka.
Release: 2023 on I Shall Sing Until My Land Is Free
Available from: Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music

Mirror, mirror
EP containing Anna Pidgorna’s mini-opera MIrror, mirror for two voices and electronics recorded by Essential Opera (Erin Bardua and Maureen Batt).
Release: 2021 on Leaf Music
Available from: Spotify, Apple Music

Album by Gamin (performer of traditional Korean instruments) includes Anna Pidgorna’s On the courtship displays of Birds-of-Paradise.
Release: 2020 on Innova Records
Available from: Spotify, Apple Music

Album by violist Marina Thibeault and pianist Marie-Ève Scarfone, includes Anna Pidgorna’s The child, bringer of light.
Release: 2019 on Atma Classique
Available from: Spotify, Apple Music

Album by Rockeys Duo (Katelyn Clark, Luciane Cardassi), includes Anna Pidgorna’s Obsessive circularity of thought for solo harpsichord.
Release: 2017 on Redshift Records
Available from: Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music